About Me

Welcome to my portfolio website.

I am an experienced professional with strong communication and interpersonal skills with a passion for turning data into valuable insights to drive successful business solutions.

I am focused, self-motivated and dependable while also being a flexible self-starter who works independently and responds quickly to changing needs of the organization.

My Skills

  • Data Modeling: Normalization (3NF – Third-normal Form), Denormalization (Star Schema, Snowflake), ERStudio
  • ETL/ELT: Python (Pandas, Numpy, PySpark, Pyodbc), SQL (Joins, Window Functions, Views, CTEs), DBT
  • Data Lake / Data Warehouse: Facts and Dimensions, SCD (Slowly Changing Dimensions), GCP BigQuery
  • Data Visualization: Power BI, Tableau, Looker Studio
  • Data Orchestration: Data Pipelines, DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graph), Airflow
  • Data Governance: Data Lineage, Collibra
  • Other Tools: GitLab (DevOps, CI/CD), Docker (Containerization), Terraform (IaC - Infrastructure as Code)


A showcase of my projects using Google Cloud Platform, BigQuery, Docker, Terraform, Airflow, Power BI, SQL, Python, Tableau and R.

Youtube API Data Engineering Project

This is a simple project which takes data from Youtube API for 10 data analysts channels transforms and load the data into a datawarehouse using Terraform to deploy the infrastructure, Docker to manage containers with the software needed (like Airflow for data pipeline orchestration).

Youtubers Popularity

I was looking to better understand what makes a youtube channel popular. I felt the best place to start was using Youtube API to collect the data using 10 channels from data analysts/scientists that I follow.

Bolt Market - Business Analysis

Case study about Bolt Market business in Portugal. I performed an assessment of the company activity in Portugal and put together a couple of project proposals in order to accelerate revenue and improve customer experience

LinkedIn Automatic Connection Messages

Search People that worked at a company and send a connection request with a personalized message using Python with Selenium library.

Glassdoor Reviews Sentiment Analysis

Search Reviews on Glassdoor website for a specific company and perform Sentiment Analysis using Python with Selenium library.

Board Games Web Scraping

Built Python code using Scrapy and Beautifulsoup to pull data from Boardgamegeek website using their XML API.

Web Scraping Project with Python AIOHttp

I created this simple project to practice what I learned using AIOHttp Python library the enables us to create http request asynchronously that reduces a lot the amount of time needed to perform this process, letting us create faster and more efficient web scrapers. I used ludonauta website to get details from products available on their website.

Cyclistic: Bike-share company

Analysis of trip records from a bike-share company to answer the following business task: how to convert casual riders into members?

Tennis ATP Singles Male Analysis

Analysis of Tennis ATP Singles Male competition from 2001 till 2021 (last 20 years) in Power BI showing insights about total matches played, tournaments, players, tournament winners, grand slams (big tournaments), individual player stats and head-to-head stats.

Football Portuguese League 2021-2022 Season

Analysis from Liga Portugal Bwin 2021-2022 Season in Power BI showing league table, top goal scorers, fixtures and team stats.

Olympics Games Analysis

Analysis from Summer Olympic Games in SQL and Power BI to visualize data showing how countries have performed historically in this event, with the possibility to select your own country, favorite sport or competitor.

Covid 19 Exploration

Analysis of Covid 19 cases and vaccinations since the beginning of 2020 in Power BI. The main metrics showed are: total cases, deaths, population percentage infected by country/continent, death percentage.

Data Cleaning in SQL

Data Cleaning in SQL Server from raw housing data to prepare the information for analysis purposes.

Brazilian E-Commerce Store Sales Analysis in Tableau

In this project I represent a Data Analyst at the Brazilian Ecommerce Store (Olist Store) with the task to create a map showing sellers in their geolocations with bubbles to illustrate how much money in total payments they have received from customers.

Suicide Rates (1985-2016) Analysis in Tableau

Analysis of Suicide Rates from 1985 to 2016 showing insights by year, age group, sex, generation, country, population, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita.

Volcanic Events Analysis in SQL and Power BI

Analysis of volcanoes events and locations from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) database showing insights like number of volcanoes by country, type, status, last know eruption as well as data from volcanic events (total deaths, missing, injuries, damage, houses destroyed).

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me via any of the social media outlets below!